Ragamuffin F Blue Sepia (Sierra)
First one out of the kennel. First to climb to the second level . First to interact with humans. She is very sweet and very playful. Loves to cuddle and purr. Update, she was one of my surprises with Collin! She had a nice litter and was a good momma however; I had never intended to keep her for breeding. This green eyed beauty is a little bit of a bully like her mom but a love to humans like her dad. She would not be my choice for young kids, or a companion for a dog. The dog might get a few swipes accross the nose. She is fisty and will happily show everyone in the house who is boss...she is! On the other hand, if she were the only animal who could be doted on a spoiled like the Queen she is you would have the sweetest, cuddly, follow you around, want to be with you every second kind of kitty. She has not been fixed yet. I find I am having to wait about a month inbetween groups for alterations. It is time for several of my queens to retire to their furrever families and be spoiled.
Queen: Shasta
Kimg: Yoda
DOB 4/3/23